Daily Bread

  • Daily Bread

    How Do We Deal with Anger?

    The Lord has been prompting me as of late to address how I handle my anger. The Lord has pointed out to me that I need to stop making excuses as to how or why I handle something a certain way, and to simply work on looking more like Jesus every day. I am working on having consistent responses with my children. It should not matter how I am feeling in the moment, or any outside pressures there may be. I need to make sure that I am consistently responding in love, not reacting in anger. My discipline, if necessary, should also be based on the offence and not my…

  • Daily Bread

    A lesson in Humility

    Evening was upon us on this beautiful summer day, and the trees were casting shadows, providing a much needed refuge from the hot sun. My two older children were working to clean off a future garden plot that was riddled with sticks and logs that the hogs had uncovered the previous week. The two toddlers were splashing each other with water from the wheel barrow from yesterday’s rain. They then chased each other up the hill side and were playing with twigs and leaves and bugs, and I could hear sweet giggles. My sweet newborn baby girl was resting peacefully in her bed that had been placed in the red…