Mommy Diaries

  • Mommy Diaries

    September 21st 2017…

    Mommy diaries day 10….If you want to know more about your children’s character… monopoly with them…..still trying to decide if I should be worried! Lol

  • Mommy Diaries,  Picture

    August 21st 2017….

    Mommy diaries day 9…’s been a long day and it’s only 10:15….how a child can eat breakfast, poop out of the side of his diaper, and get bathed all before I can even eat breakfast is beyond me… soaking his seat in the tub with bleach….where is my coffee???….a day in the life, leaning on Jesus, and I’m loving it!

  • Mommy Diaries

    August 4th 2017….

    Mommy diaries day 7….you have to remind yourself that your children do love you….despite the fact that they ate all of the crackers you got out to eat with your goat cheese before you even ate one….a day in the life, and I want to eat my cheese! Lol

  • Mommy Diaries

    August 3rd 2017…..

    Mommy diaries day 6… yesterday my youngest had a massive blowout in her seat before church…..No big deal, my husband cleaned her up while I got the other children ready……fast forward to this morning….I go to sit her in her little seat and I remember the massive blowout poop…….because of the extremely obvious blowout poop stains all in the chair….because I forgot to wash it like I said I would before I passed out on my couch last night… today we have a blanket covering our poop stained bouncy seat until I can wash it while she naps….a day in the life, and I’m loving it! Lol

  • Mommy Diaries

    July 29th 2017…..

    Mommy diaries day 5…. “Son, don’t walk on the gate, the baby gate is up for Ralphie (my automatic vacuum)…..I will move the gate so you can ride your light saber around like a horse”….things you never thought you would say to your 1 year old, who can open and tear down baby gates…..

  • Mommy Diaries

    July 27th 2017…..

    Mommy diaries day 4…I’m making bread and my husband is working on the porch….I go to use the hallway bathroom… and there is poop smeared on the toilet seat…of course I didn’t find this until after I used the facilities…there are now 3 culprits I have to go investigate now that I have cleaned the toilet….good thing I haven’t grabbed my shower yet today. Lol. A day in the life, and I’m loving it! Praise the Lord for my little blessings, life would be much quieter, and less poop filled with out them.

  • Mommy Diaries

    July 26th 2017…

    From yesterday…because I was too tired to post. Mommy diaries day 3….despite having my children go the bathroom before we left home to go grocery shopping, we completed the Bathroom Tour of Chesterfield Virginia. A day in the life, and I’m loving it!

  • Mommy Diaries

    Mommy Diaries….July 21st 2017

    Day 2 of Mommy diaries….. my two eldest children were playing with my son….spinning him in the office chair….until he vomited all over himself….while I was trying to complete my first step of canning watermelon rind pickles. Now he is in the tub, the baby is crying, and there is vomit every where. Wow. As Bridget Brown would say…. a day in the life!

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