Mommy Diaries

  • Mommy Diaries

    Things I didn’t think I would have to say to my children and the dog this week…

    Please remove the fart gun from the dinner table! Please stop hitting the wall with the toilet brush, that’s gross! Please pick up your the toilet paper you wiped your butt with and flush it. Indie, please stop barking at the deer head on the wall! Don’t brush your toes with your brother’s tooth brush… No you can’t use your hammer to hammer the nail into the wall in your bedroom, I use that to hang things on. What have you said to your children this week that you didn’t think you would have to say?

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  • Mommy Diaries

    Mouth Molds….out of cream cheese and tortilla wraps??

    If you have ever had a mouth mold done in the dentist office, you know that it doesn’t taste good and it makes you gag. When I visited the dentist last time I wondered what dentists and orthodontists were like growing up. Did they always aspire to work with teeth? Did they practice making mouth molds out of cream cheese and unravel all of the floss on the floor? I’ll let you know in about 20 years or so.

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  • Mommy Diaries

    Two little monkeys …

    So a couple of weeks ago, I decorated my younger children’s bedroom with animal faces that were beautifully crafted by people at my church for VBS. The children loved it! I explained to them that the animals on the wall were just for looking at, not for touching. Well my little monkey climbed up on a box and pulled down one of the monkey’s on the wall. Needless to say, the monkey didn’t make it.

  • Mommy Diaries,  Picture

    Cinnamon Dragon

    I need to have my hubby finish helping me get my blog up and running, we are working on it…..because Mommy Diaries…..a picture is worth 1,000 words….turned my head for 5 seconds….little Miss independent….I’m having flashbacks to the days of my youth and the Cinnamon Dragon….

  • Mommy Diaries

    … and the case of the mysterious smell

    Mommy Diaries……When you wake up at 6 am to use the bathroom…..and have every intention of going back to bed…..but as you are using the bathroom you smell something absolutely terrible (here is a hint….it’s not you)…..first thought: my poop painter is awake! You run into the room…. flip on the lights! You even ask her is she pooped…. Your other child asleep in the room groans with displeasure at his slumber being disturbed…..She is not awake, but she does need a diaper change so you change her, give her some milk and put her back to bed…… exit the room…..and still smell poop… you start wandering around the house…

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  • Mommy Diaries,  Picture

    You lifted me out of the mire

    Mommy diaries day 13….so I’m out in the field with my husband and son attempting to help my husband fix the low tunnels over the fava beans… husband remarks to my son, “don’t wander off too far, it’s muddy!” ( can you imagine where this is going yet?) We turn around and continue working…..then we hear “squelch, squrich! Ahhhhhhh!” We turn to find him sinking in the mud like quick sand! Fortunately my husband could snag him out with out sinking himself. My husband was not happy…..but once I saw his feet….instantaneous laughter erupted….I was either going to laugh or cry! For your viewing pleasure!

  • Mommy Diaries,  Picture

    December 30th 2017….

    It’s been a while since we have broken out the Mommy Diaries….Mommy diary day 12?….I’m changing James’ diaper….and he is holding his gun that he now carries around everywhere (it’s his sister’s nerf gun, but he doesn’t care because he has named it and claimed it…)And it’s a poop diaper (y’all now know where this is going right?)….and BAM! He slams his gun down in the middle of the poop diaper I am taking off his butt. I’m not really sure how he did this considering the angle…but it happened and it was gross….and I had to clean it, and him, and the poopy cloth diaper…and there was just lots…